Contribute to Memorabilia

Every football club has it’s own special colours and it’s unique badge. All fans wants that one special thing that marks them out as belonging to one particular club. We want you to photograph the club badge as it appears on the shirt, the stadium or on club flags. Or photograph the one most important piece of memorabilia you have of the club you support.

Click here for Frequently Asked Questions and Submission Guidelines.

Submit an image or the link to the image on Instagram.

The image should be in jpg format and of a maximum size of 5mb. Ensure the picture is the correct way round

Add a link to your Instagram upload for example To get a link to a post in the app, tap (iOS and Windows Phone) or(Android) and then tap Copy Share URL. You can also get the link by viewing the post on the web. To get a URL from the web, open a browser and go to (ex: if the username is "johnsmith," go to Click the post you want to get the link to and copy the link at the top of your browser.

Please tell us about the image you have submitted, where and when you took it and why it is so special for you. We would like to include as much of the story behind the photograph as we can for others to share.

Add your full name here

Add your email address here, this will not be published.

Your contribution will appear as a pin on the Interpreted Wordwide Map. Click on the map below or search for a place to drop a pin at the location you'd like your contribution to appear.

The images and text you submit will only be used within the website, the commission and any future publication that documents the project. The copyright for those remains with you. Your contact details will be not be supplied to any third party and are only required so we can keep you up to date with developments of the cambridge rules commission. By ticking the consent box you are allowing us to use your images and text within the commission.

If you are posting an image of yourself or someone under 18, we need you to confirm that all persons in the pictures are happy to be on the website.