Cambridge Rules sculpture begins to take shape

You might remember last month we documented our trip to Portugal to watch the granite that will form the Cambridge Rules 1848 sculpture on Parker’s Piece being extracted and cut.

Well, as you can see from these images, the artwork is now really starting to take on the form people will see in Cambridge in Spring 2018.

Just to remind you, the stone was cut into nine pieces, four of which will remain on Parker’s Piece and the other five travelling the globe to places which reflect the global spread of the game from Cambridge. In the end, the work on the stone should end with it looking like… this!

So as you can see from the artists’ impression, the next step is to get the rules translated into different languages and engraved onto the smooth faces of the granite.

“It’s great to see the granite begin to take shape,” says Cambridge Rules 1848 artist Alan Ward. “It’s already been a fascinating process and we’re really pleased with how it’s coming together. Now the work with the words starts, which is obviously really important to the finished piece.”

Exciting stuff!